View the Winterset Heart & Soul Statements
Winterset Community Heart & Soul Leadership Team
View the City Profile for Winterset, Iowa
The City Profiles from Data for Decision Makers are brief reports presenting a profile and snapshot of a city’s, county’s, or region’s demographic, economic, social, health, or housing characteristics. These reports are updated as new and revised data become available.
Click on the links below to view the Winterset Community’s responses to each question. Winterset data from the Madison County Heart & Soul Findings (ThriVinci Report) can be accessed below.
Responses to the survey questions above are organized into the following categories, which connect to the Heart & Soul statements. Responses to Question 2 are illustrated in a word cloud.
Questions from the Winterset 7th grade social studies interviews, April 2018
Question 1: Why did you move to Winterset/Madison County? OR, if you are a “native” of the community, why do you stay here?
Question 2: What makes the Winterset community (or Madison County) unique to you and why?
Question 3: What would make Madison County an even better place to live?
Question 4: What hopes or concerns do you have about what the future holds for Madison County?
Question 5: What have you observed in Madison County that shows we are a close, connected, supportive community?